C'MON HE'S MY NUMBER ONE BET FOR THIS SEASON'S AMERICAN IDOL...DAVID COOK'S HOT... sooooo hot (at least for me... again)... but i guess many would agree since the votes are still kicking for him =D
!!! he's a wonderful guitarist, but not very good at Guitar Hero. !!! he has a left arm tattoo and a left handed as well.. !!! he's a word nerd. he likes to do crossword puzzles and word searches. !!! his bday is december 20, 1983... not too old for me =D !!! The "AC" on his guitar is actually a tribute to his older brother
His brothers' names are Andrew and Adam. The AC is for Adam. !!! he dislikes "almost any vegetable" (tsk2... but i love veggies) =( !!! hates to listen to his own music !!! played on his high school baseball team (kewl!) !!! he has a crush on Mandy Moore, but he's never really been interested in her music (good... kiddin') !!! was born with a disease called poloricstinosis (wutever dat is,,haha) !!! he almost always wears a key on a string around his neck (among other things). Sometimes he ties it around his wrist like a bracelet. !!! his middle name is Roland by the way (nice one right?? i mean does anyone like their middle name? i dont! ) AFTER DAUGHTRY.... HERE COMES MY NEW AMERICAN IDOL LOVE... COOK!!! NAH.... ID STILL GO FOR DAUGHTRY.... HEHE! BUT STILL VOTE FOR OOOKKKKK????!!!!!!