her death was expected actually, she already lost appetite and has been weak ever since. Nokia is my witness for all the heartbreaks I’ve gone through, yes… from the very first time I fell in love and had my heart broken… she was there. I’ve always believe that we can share our hard feelings to our dogs, that’s why I always hug Nokia every time I cry. She never fails me, every time I would cry she is there beside me (literally), as if she could really understand me… but maybe she does? I remembered the week before she died, I was crying over ‘F’ in Tuctang’s room because it’s almost Valentine’s Day and got sentimental over him. I was surprised to see Nokia peeking in, she doesn’t enters Tuctang’s room that’s why it’s surprising that she went in, and right then and there, I hugged her… she felt my pain again.
She died around 1am, February 19, I’m not at home that time, and I am still celebrating our CCP performance. When I went home, that’s when I knew Nokia died. We thought she would give up that Saturday, but she didn’t… instead she died the next day… right after my CCP performance. Till the very end, she still supported me, she knew that I wouldn’t get to focus on the performance if she died first, and hell yeah, I know I couldn’t.
The next morning was like a funeral when she was buried at our backyard. BYE NOKIA… WE ALL LOVE YOU… I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE… LOVE YAH BUNSO =’(
PS: I was the one who named her Nokia since we got her when the Nokia phone craze started.
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